Every program we design at Reality Based Group starts with what is called scorecard design. It is the foundation of any mystery shopping program and yet another way we set ourselves apart by offering you personalized resources meant to meet your specific needs.
But what exactly is scorecard design? Simply put, it’s the questions posed to mystery shoppers evaluating your business. Questions that take careful planning and considerable thought. Mystery shopping scorecard design is crucial to your success. RBG develops each and every scorecard we design holistically, approaching the design by keeping the end result forefront.
We think about your scorecard questions from the perspective of whether the answer is measureable and actionable. In other words, will the answer drive customer retention, customer loyalty and result in the best customer experience possible? This is how we make the most out of every question and deliver the results you need.
We take into account the subjectivity of the potential question. Subjective questions can be difficult to measure. Take a simple one that might seem innocuous enough: was the greeting friendly? When we take a closer look at the question we can see where it will fall short in the end. What exactly does friendly mean? What qualifies as friendly to one person may not to another. How can we coach and train employees to be more “friendly” when the definition could range considerably?
Instead, we search for the questions that can be measured. What might a friendly greeting contain? Let’s think of the measurable behaviors that make up a potential greeting – eye contact, smile, offering a handshake, asking the customer’s name. By asking questions based on measurable behaviors, the coaching and training component is already ready to go. If the customer’s name is not asked, we can remind employees to always ask a customer’s name. By keeping the end goal in mind we design your scorecard to be as effective as possible.
At RBG, we also keep length in mind when creating your scorecard. We cannot measure 100 different things nor coach and train to 100 different things. Imagine watching a two-minute clip of your favorite TV show and then being asked for 100 different details at the end of the clip, chances are you would miss at least 20-30% of the answers. The length of a scorecard is a balancing act, we never want to ask so many questions that accuracy is sacrificed or bad data is collected in the mystery shop.
Don’t let poor scorecard design stand in the way of the results you want to see. Let RBG develop a mystery shopping scorecard that takes those results into account through every step of the design process. We construct scorecards that drive actionable behaviors so you see success. Get more information about our mystery shopping services.
The post RBG Differentiator: Mystery Shopping Scorecard Design appeared first on The Premier Mystery Shopping Company.